
Hiring new employees? Superannuation rule changes from the 1st of November 2021

Hiring new employees? Superannuation rule changes from the 1st of November 2021. Here’s what you need to know. This new reform talks about “Stapling rules”. These stapling rules mean new employees will keep the same super account (if they have one), when they change jobs unless they choose another preferred super fund. This prevents the…

“Work From Home” Yardstick
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“Work From Home” Yardstick

Not all work-related expenses are created equal such that we think we can claim anything or everything as a tax deduction. This is a no no! The proliferation of “Work from home” (WFH) related expenses during this ongoing pandemic is now more than ever, attracting ATO’s intense scrutiny. The key thing to remember is that…

Online Services for Business
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Online Services for Business

In an update to tax professionals on the 9 February 2021, the ATO is replacing the Business Portal with the new service ‘Online services for Business’. It has greater functionality than the Business Portal and has faster processing time. Please note that the ATO recommends that sole traders continue to use the ATO online services…

Jail Time For Underpayment of Wages
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Jail Time For Underpayment of Wages

The last sitting of the Queensland Parliament before the election was 17 September 2020. During that final session, legislation was passed that now makes it a criminal offence to knowingly underpay staff. (Stand by for some heavy legal argument around the term “knowingly”.) This potentially means jail time for erring employers for up to fourteen…

Success In Business – Part One

Success In Business – Part One

I have many times heard the same question asked in a myriad of ways, “How do you succeed in business?”. Over four decades of working in diverse industry sectors with multinationals to sole traders, I would answer that this requires a multi-faceted response. There are so many sides to success (even the term success can…

When is a Due Date Not the Due Date?
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When is a Due Date Not the Due Date?

When it comes to employee super; it’s not what you think. Like us, you probably thought that paying your employee superannuation contributions by BPay on the 28th of the month following the financial quarter-end was meeting both the word and the spirit of the superannuation system. Well, it turns out that we are all wrong,…

5 Reasons for Tax Audit Insurance

5 Reasons for Tax Audit Insurance

Shortly we will be sending out our annual tax audit insurance offers. Today we offer five good reasons why you should consider the risk removal this provides. 1. You are comprehensively covered – All of your current and previously lodged returns are covered by our Audit Shield service, even if you had another accountant taking care of…